‘Plug-in’ the Easy Access Enterprise Edition

Importing / exporting

Export Setup

  1. Check ‘Automatic Export’.
  2. The ‘Export Options Box’ should pop up.  If not, select the ‘Options Button’.
  3. RECORD FORMAT.  This tells Easy Access exactly what you would like to have exported.  This way you can match the output that your current 3rd party application exports.  There are many options here.  For instance, if you just wanted the Bureau Report exported, you would use our {report} merge fieldClick here for more information on setting up your export. And you can always contact Real Solutions to have us create your output for you (pricing depends on your output requirements).
  4. NAME TO SAVE TEXT FILE AS. This will be the name you wish to save your exported file as.  If you are creating one large Batch file, you will choose a static name like MYFILE.  If you are creating individual files for each report, you will use our built in merge fields to create unique filenames per report.  Click here for more information on Export Filenames.
  5. LOCATION TO SAVE TEXT FILE.  Click on the ‘…’ button and choose your export file (Where Easy Access will be dropping the exported report).
  6. OPTIONS. Over the years, we have built-in many options for exporting depending on what customers required at the time.  We believe we can create just about any type of file you need using these options along with the Record Format.  If you wish to have only one large file returned (with all of the reports returned in one file), Check ‘Append to File’.  This will create one large file.  Leave the rest of the check boxes unchecked.  if you wish this file to only be created at the end of transmitting all of the marked inquiries, check ‘Create File at End of Transmission’. Click here for more information on the other options and whether or not they will work with your Iteration.
  7. Click OK, OK to save your settings.

You have now setup Easy Access to ‘Plug-in’ to your current Integration.  If we have done our job right, you should not have to adjust anything on your side.  Easy Access will pick up where your ‘Pay As You Go’ 3rd Party Partner leaves off.

And of course, the information given above is really more of a simple integration.  There are ways to actually tell Easy Access what type of report you want ‘per inquiry’.  There are ways to use different Subscriber Numbers and so on.  Please visit our Application Integration Section of our On-Line help file for complete instructions on setting up Easy Access as your NEW integration partner.

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