HTTP Integration

This product is only available in the Architect Edition of Easy Access.

if you would like to POST your data into Easy Access using a standard HTTP POST, then you’ll want to set up the built-in HTTP Server.


Follow these steps to set up Easy Access and Precise ID using the HTTP Server:

  1. You will need to be in the Setup Options for all of these steps, File Menu > Setup Options.
  2. Click on the Bureau Setup > Defaults Button > Products Button and select Precise ID.  This will make Precise ID the default product whenever you import into this Department.
  3. Follow the instructions on setting up the HTTP Server. Keep in mind, no matter what other Name=Value pairs you send, you will need to include three additional fields.  PIDTypePIDRecNoand PIDAnswers. These can be included anywhere within your POST, but it is suggested you make these the first Name=Value pairs.

Sending a Precise ID Score Only

Sending an ID Screening Score is straightforward in Easy Access.  You will be sending your inquiry data and Experian will be sending back a response.

  1. Create your POST (Name=Value pairs)
  2. In the PIDType field, enter a the Precise Type ID that Experian assigned you.This will tell EA it is a Precise ID Score only product.
  3. There is no need to send the PIDRecNo and PIDAnswers fields in the POST for the original inquiry.  They are not used.
  4. Send your POST to the Easy Access IP and Port you setup when you setup the HTTP Server.
  5. Experian will send their response, which in this case is the “final” response.

NOTE: If you are sending any type of inquiry that is not a Precise ID (Like a standard Credit Profile), you must not include the 3 special Precise ID fields in your post. Easy Access will automatically change your inquiry to Precise ID if it sees any Precise ID name/value pairs being sent in your post.

Sending a Precise ID KIQ Score Product

Sending a Precise ID KIQ Score Product is a bit more complicated.  You will send an Inquiry to Experian and they will respond.  You will then respond back to their response.  Depending on your setup with Experian, this may continue on until Experian sends their final response.

  1. Create your post (Name=Value pairs).
  2. In the PIDType field, enter Precise Type ID that Experian assigned you. This will tell EA it is a Precise ID KIQ Score product.
  3. There is no need to send the PIDRecNo and PIDAnswers fields in the post for the original inquiry. They will be used later.
  4. Send your POST to the Easy Access IP and Port you setup when you setup the HTTP Server.
  5. Experian will send back a response.  Part the XML will show an Easy Access Record number.  This record number can be found in the ReferenceId tag within the XML. You will need to store this ID as it is needed when sending back the response. Click here for a sample of the response.
  6. Create your POST that will contain your response to Experian. This will contain all 3 PID fields.
  7. In the PIDType field, enter Precise Type ID that Experian assigned you. This will tell EA it is a Precise ID KIQ Score product.
  8. In the PIDRecNo field, enter the ReferenceId you had saved from the original inquiry. Example: PIDRecNo=2546
  9. In the PIDAnswers field, enter your answers.  Example: PIDAnswers=15243.
  10. Experian will send their response.  If further processing is need (they send back additional questions) follow steps 6 through 9. Click here for a sample of the final response.

NOTE: If you are sending any type of inquiry that is not a Precise ID (Like a standard Credit Profile), you must not include the 3 special Precise ID fields in your post. Easy Access will automatically change your inquiry to Precise ID if it sees any Precise ID name/value pairs being sent in your post.

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