This feature is only available in theĀ Enterprise andĀ Architect editions.
Easy Access can optionally be set up to ‘listen’ to a standard TCP/IP Socket port, accepting both HTTP POST and GET requests. This allows for standard HTTP URL Queries, HTTP Form-based, and non-browser-based standard HTTP POSTs and GETs.
If sending from a non-browser-based application, your message should contain a standard HTTP header. The non-header data in your message will contain the InquiryString (name/value pairs). If no InquiryString is passed in the POST or GET, Easy Access will serve up the index.htm file located in the HTML directory. If a correctly formatted InquiryString is passed, Easy Access will return the requested report.
The Enterprise Edition Easy Access installs an HTTP Client application so you can easily test and design your InquiryStrings.
You can also test using your browser by typing the following into its address bar: http://ServerIPAddress:Port. ServerIPAddress is the IP address of the machine running Easy Access. Port is the Port you assigned Easy Access to listen to if you installed Easy Access on your local machine. Type: to bring up the index.htm file.
InquiryString (name=value pairs)
The Inquiry String you send to the HTTP Server must contain at least one Name=Value pair. Multiple name=value pairs are separated with an Ampersand (&). Click here for a complete list of available field names.
URL Encoding
The Inquiry String must conform to the URL encoding guidelines. As such, special characters like spaces and pound signs must be encoded before they are sent to Easy Access. Failure to do so will result in the data being cut off after the unencoded character, and Easy Access will only receive the data before the unencoded character.
Format of the command &FirstName=John&SSN=000-00-0000 |
Be sure to include &Department= if you want your inquiries to go to a department other than Default.
Error Messages
Click here for some error messages that may be returned to your application through HTTP.