Welcome to the Easy Access Online Helpfile. This is the most current, up-to-date information on using Easy Access. While this area was designed for people who are running Easy Access already, it has been made available here due to the fact that a lot of information in the help file might help you make a decision whether or not Easy Access is right for you.
These are the same pages that Easy Access (the program) points to within the software when a user clicks on the help button, and if a user clicks on F1 anywhere in the program, the software will open their browser to the specific page they need help with (content-sensitive help). Just one of the many reasons Easy Access is so ‘easy to use.
Please, browse through the help file. If you have any specific questions that are not answered here, please feel free to contact us.
The following topics include step-by-step procedures and detailed information on the features and capabilities that Easy Access provides.
Setup Easy Access
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Customize Easy Access
Integrate Easy Access With My Application
Our goal is to offer quality software while always keeping the end-user in mind. A program isn’t worth much if you have to pull out a 1000 page manual to run it. A program should be straightforward and easy to use for even the novice computer user but still powerful and intuitive. Easy Access is just that!
Throughout the program, if you need help, just hit the F1 key. We have built-in context-sensitive help everywhere. This means it will be easy for you to find the information you need without having to open a manual or study a help file. F1 will always take you to the right subject in the help file to answer your question quickly.
If you find you still need a little help, you can always contact us here at Real Solutions. We offer technical support through telephone and email. Stop by our Website to keep up to date with new versions of the software.
We hope you enjoy using Easy Access.