Expense Information (EXP1)
Global, Primary and/or Secondary Applicant Expense Information:
You only need to enter only one type of frequency here, using the following codes:
Total Expenses Frequency or Primary Residence Expenses Frequency or Other Expenses Frequency.
- H = Hourly
- W = Weekly
- B = Biweekly (every 2 weeks)
- M = Monthly
- T = Bimonthly (Twice per Month)
- Q = Quarterly
- S = Semi-Annually
- Y = Yearly
Primary Residence Expense Type – (can be either 1 = mortgage or 2 = rent)
Enter the only the type of Amount that corresponds to the frequency you chose from above:
Total Expenses Amount or Primary Residence Expenses Amount or Other Expenses Amount – (whole dollar amount)
– cannot exceed 9999999. Enter / or <spacebar> to move to the next field if necessary.
Enter TAB to move to the Banking Relationship box.