‘Plug-in’ the Easy Access Enterprise Edition

Setting up Importing Exporting

Import Setup

  1. Click on the File Menu > Setup Options > Integration Options > Importing/Exporting.
  2. Check ‘Allow Importing’.
  3. Check ‘Automatically import files‘.
  4. Select your import directory or ‘Watch Directory’.  This is the directory that Easy Access will monitor, looking for import files to show up.
  5. Click on the ‘Import Mapping Button’.
    1. IMPORT FILE PROPERTIES: If your import file includes a ‘header’ of field descriptions, choose ‘Don’t import the first line’.  Otherwise, select ‘Import ALL Records’. Click Next.
    2. IMPORT MAPPING: This is what tells Easy Access about your import file.  From the ‘Source fields’ on the left, select the fields which exist in your import file one at a time.  Click on the ‘Right Arrow Button’ to add that field to the ‘Destination Fields’ list on the right.  Continue adding all the fields from your import file in the order they are displayed in your import file.  If you find a field that doesn’t necessarily need to be imported, choose the special SKIP field.  If you are importing special fields like your own account number or tracking number, you can store this in our special Reference fields (Reference and Reference2).  There are also fields named ‘UserDefined’ that you can use, and they don’t get sent to the bureau.  NOTE: You can later use the Reference and UserDefined fields as part of your Export (explained later).  Once complete, click Next. As a note: You could send your file to Real Solutions and we can create your mapping for you.  We want to make this as easy as we can.
    3. IMPORT PROPERTIES: Choose ‘Use Department Defaults’ if you want to use the settings your setup in the Bureau Setup.  If you want to customize the type of report, choose ‘Customize’.  In most cases, you already have set this up in the Bureau Setup, so just click Next.
    4. SELECT REPORT OPTIONS: Again, this lets you further customize the type of report you are going to pull and choose which department you are going to send to.  Since we already set up our Bureau Setup with the type of report we want to pull, just click Next.
    5. SEND OPTIONS: You have a number of different actions to take once the file has been imported.  In most cases you will just choose ‘Send All Marked Records’ which will send all the records you just imported.
    6. MAPPING COMPLETE.  Click Finish
    7. No need to leave the Setup Options yet.  We still have to set up the Export.

Click here for more information on customizing your import.

Almost done! Now we just need to set up the Exporting.

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