Version has now been released. See the changes below. Visit the License Management Area to download this latest version. You will need to have your License ID in order to download. If you don’t have it handy, visit our Contact Page and email us.

See this page for a complete list of revisions (all released updates)


  • FOR OUR NETWORK ADMINS: Now you have a choice where you want to have the EasyAccess.ini file (configuration file) saved. The Windows folder (default), the user’s /AppData or the Common User’s /AppData folder. This will keep you from having to give a standard Windows user access to the Windows folder for Easy Access. This option is available, to Easy Access Administrators only, off of the Tools Menu.
  • Added support for all Experian Precise ID products (Architect Edition)
  • Added new command line options (start-up options). See the Appendix in the help file for more information.
  • Added new procedures to the Debug Log (small debug window displayed at the bottom of application). While the Debug Log has existed for years it was shown for informational purposes only. Click on the ‘Tools Menu > Debug > Debug Log’  for display the log. The Debug now allows you to:
    •  Save it to file
    • Copy it to the Clipboard
    • Optionally adds debug information while communicating with the credit bureau
    • Optionally will URLDecode the Debug Log, allowing you to easily see URLEncoded information in the log making it easy to see connection logging info.
    • If closing Easy Access with the Debug Log open, Easy Access will ask you if you want to save it prior to exiting. Also,  it will automatically open and start logging when Easy Access is started again until it is closed by the user.
  • Much smoother closing procedure. Many times, if quickly re-starting Easy Access you wouldn’t be able to. This was due to the fact that Easy Access was still in the process of closing down procedures. This code has been much improved.


  • Easy Access would automatically select the Experian Precise ID product if it sees that the PIDType field was being imported or was included in an HTTP Post no matter what product was set up as ‘default’ for the Bureau Department. fixed. (Architect Edition)
  • In some instances, when setting up a new workstation or new installation a message would display asking if you will be connecting to TU over The Internet. Just annoying but fixed.

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