Easy Access version released

  • This update now allows users to change to Experian’s new ‘DEMO’ site URL. Click here for information on how to change this URL.
  • On new Enterprise or Architect installations, the NT Service is now automatically installed but is not activated. You will need to still set it to automatically be activated within the Service Applet and of course set it to an administrator account.
  • New installations now recognize the Architect License ID’s.
  • Now allows Equifax customers to enter non alphanumeric characters in the subscriber number ‘-’ password field in the Bureau Setup. Thus the ‘@’ can now be entered.
  • No longer checks for program updates at program startup. This options will be added again later.
  • No longer shows Popup Messages since newer versions of Windows can’t display the old Helpfile. Another option will be created in later version to help new users use the program.
  • For years, Easy Access has been compressed to a smaller size (the EXE file or program file). This was originally done because it use to be shipped on 3 1/2 disks years ago. Since it now is being downloaded or put on CD’s and our Installation compresses them anyhow we are no longer compressing the files. We feel since the file doesn’t have to be uncompressed each time it is used it may speed up the software.
  • BETA: Fixed the printing problem which would produce the word ‘ERROR!’ When trying to reprint a Stored report.
  • Fixed the Canadian Report issue where a user would receive an error when trying to pull a Canadian Report
  • BETA: Fix problem where Easy Access would assign the wrong URL for TU. Now it looks at the installed cert and assigns the correct URL depending on the cert installed.

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